Community Involvement
Sweet Spot Academy’s strategic focus on Literacy, Education, and Social & Economic Prosperity for children and youth.
We are committed to supporting causes that help raise tomorrow’s leaders. We firmly believe every child and youth deserves the opportunity to succeed and achieve their dreams. With this strategic focus in mind, Sweet Spot Academy is offering the following programs to support children and youth in need, while also providing adults with tools that help motivate, support and encourage the children and youth in their lives.
Did you know? Our ability to offer our community support programs for free (or nearly free) is dependent on you? If you share our programs with your family and friends it helps distribute the information which means we spend less $$$$ on advertising and more on helping those who desperately need support.
Please help us to support children and youth by joining our community and by sharing our Community Investment website page and social media posts with your friends and family.
Sign Up for our eNewsletter for announcements on our Community Investment Programs.